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Professional 35mm & 120 color print film developed & scanned.



Add set of prints for $10

At time of developing up to

36 exposures.


*Does not apply to process & print. 

Film Processing

We professionally process Color Print (C-41) and True Black & White films.

We color, contrast and density adjust each and every frame or you have the option of no corrections. Typical turnaround time is 1 -2 business days.

Film Develop & Prints

(Excludes Slide Film)

Glossy or Matte Photo Prints

1 - 2 Business Days 

Film Developing w/ Scans

(Excludes Slide Film)


35mm Color Develop Only .............$10
35mm Color Develop w/Prints... $6+ $0.50/print

35mm BW Develop Only ...............  $12

35mm BW Develop w/Prints........ $12 + $0.50/print


120 Color Develop Only .................. $10

120 Color Develop w/Prints ........ $7.50 + $1/print

120 BW Develop Only ....................... $15

120 BW Develop w/Prints ............. $10 + $1/print


220 Color Develop Only .................. $12

220 Color Develop w/Prints ........ $10 + $1/print

220 BW Develop Only ....................... $16

220 BW Develop w/Prints .............. $14 + $1/print

35mm Color Develop w/ Scans

   Social Media (1037 x 1565 px)...........$14

   Medium  (3091 x 2048 px)...................$22

   Large (4492 x 6774 px)...........................$30


35mm BW Develop w/ Scans 

   Social Media (1037 x 1565 px)..........$20

   Medium  (3091 x 2048 px)..................$28

   Large (4492 x 6774 px)..........................$36


120 & 220 Color and BW available. 

Negative Film Scanning
(Previously developed rolls of positive or negative film)
35 & 120 mm only

Entire roll of negs
(Color, B&W, 35mm, 120/220)

   Social Media (1037 x 1565 px).....$8

   Medium  (3091 x 2048 px)............$16

   Large (4492 x 6774 px)...................$24


Individual Neg Scans

   Social Media - $2 each (minimum $8)

   Medium........- $4 each (minimum $16)

   Large.............- $6 each (minimum $24)


Slide Scanning
35mm mounted / 120 Slide Scans   

slide 1.jpg


    Social Media - $2 each (minimum $8)  

    Medium Res - $4 each (minimum $16)

    Large.............- $8 each (minimum $24)​


Quantity Pricing & Resolution



 1 - 9 ................................ $2.00

10 - 24 ........................... $1.75

25 - 49 ........................... $1.50

50 - 99 .......................... $1.25

100 + ............................... $1.00




 1 - 9 ................................ $4.00

10 - 24 ........................... $3.50

25 - 49 ........................... $3.00

50 - 99 .......................... $2.50

100 + ............................... $2.00



 1 - 9 ................................. $8.00

10 - 24 ............................ $7.00

25 - 49 ............................ $6.00

50 - 99 ........................... $5.00

100 + ................................. $4.00


Single Cut Negs, Odd Sizes, 35mm Unmounted Slides- ASK

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